Oct 18, 2010

Origen of Iron Man

Iron man was heard first time on (1963) in a comic books by Stan leen and the drawing was done by Don Heck and Jack Kirbyn did the cover who design the firt frame of character. There are several version of Iron man the superheroe of Mavel Universe named Tony Stark. Iron represent the man and the machines, and in some way the american dream. The fictional biografy described Tony Stark was born in Long Island, NY who inherited Stark industries at 21 age, after his parent were killed in an car accident. There many version about the origin of the heroe comic-books had his original version and when Iron man passed to cartoon television they modified the version. He appeared in the cartoon series Marvel Super Heroes. When the leyend was adopted by cinematografy the version was changed of his origin once again.  In the cartoon Iron man was captured by a leader of supervillians named Mandarin and not by General Whong Chu. 

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Comic Books

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